6 Common Hip Injuries From A Fall

The first step in treating hip injuries from a fall is to determine what caused it. The cause of the injury is often not immediately apparent, but the symptoms may appear in the next 48 hours. You may experience pain, swelling, and difficulty walking. The pain may increase as you put pressure on the affected area. In addition, the affected hip may feel tender. A medical professional can diagnose the cause of a bruised hip by examining the affected area and will most likely use an MRI scan to determine how severe the injury is. Bruises usually heal without treatment within a few days.

Muscle strains

Muscle strains and hip injuries from tripping or falling can cause serious pain and can require physical therapy to heal. While some of these injuries can be treated at home, it is recommended that more serious injuries be treated by a medical professional. This will help ensure proper healing and speedy recovery.


When you have a fall and break your hip, you’ll most likely visit an emergency department, where your doctor will check for fractures and prescribe pain medication. He or she may also order an X-ray and perform other tests to rule out other issues. Depending on the severity and location of the injury, your doctor may recommend surgery or further testing. Your health and age may also affect the type of treatment needed.


If you’ve suffered a fall and your bursitis hasn’t healed after a week or so, you should go to the doctor. Your doctor can prescribe over-the-counter medications or prescription steroids to reduce swelling and pain. They may also prescribe physical therapy to strengthen your muscles and increase range of motion. In more severe cases, your doctor may recommend surgery to repair the bursa.

Repetitive activities

Repetitive activities put stress on the hip joint and can lead to inflammation and pain. Conditions caused by overuse of the hip joint include bursitis, tendinitis, and stress fractures in the femur neck. Pain in the hip area can be mild, moderate, or severe. It may also be accompanied by swelling and limited range of motion. Repetitive activities can also damage the hip bursae, which are fluid-filled sacs that are located inside the hip joint.

Sports hernias

If you fall and are concerned about your health, it is important to see a doctor immediately. Your doctor will recommend rest and anti-inflammatory medications. The symptoms of sports hernias are often temporary, but should resolve in a few weeks or months. Rest is important for healing because continued activity makes the injury worse and can prolong the recovery process.

Pain on the outer portion of the hip

The pain in the outer portion of the hip is often a sign of hip bursitis. Hip bursitis is a painful inflammation that can affect the hip joint and the nearby tendons. There are a number of different causes of this type of pain, and the best treatment is a visit to the doctor.

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